Sunday, March 15, 2015

Awesome stories from Room 10

Butterflies can feed on nectar. The Butterfly starts as an egg. Then they eat the egg. Then they eat milkweed. They get fat! They turn in to a chrysalis . Then they are a butterfly

By Flynn

The skeleton is in your body. Bones are in your body. My toes and hands and my knees and my shoulders all have bones. They are part of my skeleton . Lilly

The Lifecycle of a Butterfly
A butterfly starts in an egg, then it starts to lose of its skin a few times.  Then it becomes a pupa.
When it gets out of the pupa it curls up into a chrysalis. Then it nibbles its way out.
Then it is a butterfly.

By Tokoitu

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Great team work! Room 10

I made a house for me to live in - it has a hat on it.  My Nan will be proud of me:) by Mornae 

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Welcome to Room 10 2015

We will try to upload news, photos and stories from our classroom once a week.  Most updates will be done by children trying their best with spelling, layout and technology.  We hope you like it:)

We have had caterpillars hatch in our room - it was very exciting:)